3 Tips To Store Honey

Honey is one of the most straightforward items to store in your cupboard. Simply store it in a well-sealed jar in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. 

The original honey container is ideal, but any glass jar or food-safe plastic container will suffice. Honey should not be kept in metal containers since it oxidizes. 

Honey doesn’t need to be kept in the fridge. In fact, if you don’t, the honey will crystallize due to the cooler temperature. This makes it tough to use when you need it, and you’ll have to reheat it to return it to a liquid form. Although it isn’t necessary, honey can be frozen.

Honey is an excellent food—as soon as the bees have consumed it. However, being a natural food, we sometimes feel compelled to take excessive care. These honey storage strategies will ensure that your investment is protected.

Does Honey Go Bad?

Honey has no expiration date and can be stored indefinitely if kept dry. It’s possible that the color and flavor will fade. It will, however, remain safe to consume. The antibacterial characteristics, as well as the low moisture content and low ph, keep the food from spoiling. 

Allowing moisture or water into the jar, on the other hand, might result in fermentation and deterioration. It will smell yeasty after this happens. It is recommended that you use only bottled and jarred packaged goods.

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  • Honey Should Be Kept In A Well Sealed Jar

Bacteria cannot easily grow in honey since it contains little water, although incorrectly sealed containers may allow moisture to enter. It’s best to keep your honey in the same container it came in, and after each use, make sure the lid is tight, so moisture and aromas don’t get in. Glass jar with lids is also good for storing honey; however, the covers are adequately tight to hold the honey back from being presented to air while not being used. Honey ought not to be put away in non-food plastic holders or metal compartments since they can make it oxidize.

  • Honey Should Be Stored Away From Heat Sources 

Honey should be stored away from direct heat (e.g., near the stove, hot kitchen equipment) and sunlight (e.g., near the windows), as excessive heat can alter the qualities of honey over time. This is why some honey is packaged in dark containers. The black containers, on the other hand, prevent consumers from judging the honey’s color, viscosity, and crystallization. While some people prefer glass packaging since it is generally neutral and does not react with food or cause chemical transfer, storing honey in food-grade plastic containers should also be safe and healthy, but glass is superior.

  • Honey Should Be Stored Away From Moisture

Heat and moisture are two things you should stay away from. 

Exposing honey to heat and allowing moisture inside the container are the two most harmful things you can do to it. 

It’s best if the room is kept at a comfortable temperature. In the summer, if your house gets warm, store it in the pantry. Keep it away from the stove, any heat-generating appliances, and direct sunlight. 

Use a dry spoon whenever you dip into a jar to avoid introducing moisture to your honey. Fermentation, which is how mead is formed, can be aided by even a small amount of water. This is not good for your kitchen supplies and may even degrade the quality of your honey.

What Happens If the Honey Crystallizes? 

Honey crystallizes and gets murky if left out for long periods of time or exposed to cold temperatures, even if stored properly. That’s OK. Honey crystallization is completely typical. It hasn’t gone bad or gotten any worse in terms of quality. The presence of crystallization is a hallmark of pure honey. You’ve got the genuine article. 

If you don’t like the sight or feel of raw preserved honey, simply place it on the counter where the sun will shine on it. The light will liquefy the crystallized raw honey without harming the enzymes that have been stored inside.

There are additional solutions if you don’t have access to natural light or simply want usable honey faster than the sun can offer. Place the honey jar in a pot of boiling water until the crystals dissolve. However, don’t keep it in for too long! You could mistakenly pasteurize your honey, destroying the nutrients it contains. 

Honey, fortunately, can reach 120 degrees Fahrenheit and still be considered raw. There is a lot of opportunity for error, just like when water boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit.

You can build the heat on the stewing water, assuming you wouldn’t fret killing the supplements and chemicals in raw honey. In any case, you’re just turning raw honey to purified honey by then, so you’re in an ideal situation purchasing processed honey from the beginning.

If you don’t want to use the stovetop, you can liquefy crystalline honey in a basin of warm water, though it will take longer. Don’t put it in the microwave because the temperature can quickly rise and is difficult to regulate.

You can technically store honey in the freezer and thaw it when you’re ready to use it to avoid it crystallizing. Recollect that honey extends when frozen, so ensure there’s adequate space in the compartment or container to oblige that extension. Just spot it on the kitchen counter at room temperature to defrost.


Honey isn’t the most difficult thing to keep in your pantry. In truth, it all boils down to the simple act of sealing the container and storing it afterward. There’s less of a noose around the storage guidelines if the original container remains unopened. 

Glass jars are the greatest choice, and keeping your honey at room temperature is the best method to keep it fresh. Consider freezing it if you want to keep it for a longer period of time. The crystallization of honey is sped up by putting it away in the fridge.

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