eLearning in High School Prepares Students for Remote Postsecondary Classrooms

Since launching in 2000, the global market for virtual learning has grown by over 900%, making it the fastest-expanding sector in education. One out of three students in the United States enrolled in an online course last year. While the reasons vary, 63% of students like the flexibility of online learning and 30% are hoping to complete a degree to earn more money.

As remote and hybrid study models become the norm in postsecondary education, those who take high school classes online can gain an extra edge if they find themselves taking a college or university course that has remote components. Read on to find out how.

Students Become More Adept with Modern Technology

Technological literacy is essential when eLearning at a college or university. While support is available, there’s less hand-holding in postsecondary institutions than in high school. Understanding the core fundamentals of technology — and being able to pivot and adapt seamlessly when new software is introduced — is key for anyone looking to succeed now and into the future.

Taking a course or courses through an online school immediately immerses learners in the world of technology, familiarizing them with commonly used programs and instilling vital skills at every step.

Students Can Hone Their Collaborative Skills

As the world leans into artificial intelligence and automation, communicating effectively and entirely online is a vital skill for every student.

A reputable virtual high school will encourage students to engage and collaborate on discussion forums, empowering them to build skills in effective dialogue.

Often, communication will be with other learners across the globe. As international business and communications become the norm, students can practice communicating with diverse audiences and learning more about different cultures.

Students Can Build Discipline

Studying from home requires strict self-discipline. Unlike in university auditoriums and college labs, where there’s an unspoken rule to look busy and productive, a remote education requires learners to take hold of their day-to-day schedules, ensuring tasks are completed to a high standard and on time, without being monitored.

The asynchronous and flexible learning model that virtual high schools operate under teaches students how to combat procrastination, how to carve out an effective work schedule and how to prioritize tasks with minimal direction or oversight.

Students Can Build Self-Sufficiency

While students aren’t left to their own devices at a virtual high school — after all, teachers are but an email away, with check-ins if those instructors notice coursework isn’t being completed as it should — students must manage a number of tasks themselves.

One of these tasks includes conducting modern research. Left alone, it’s easy to access inaccurate and false information. With guidance from virtual teachers, students can be better prepared to navigate a world of information from home, drawing upon their own resources to separate fact from fiction — a fantastic skill set for sourcing accurate data for reports and theses.

The Bottom Line

Preparing students today as best they can for the discipline, self-sufficiency and technological aptitude that remote learning requires can give them an elite edge when sending applications and starting a new semester from home.

Whether kids and teens are looking to earn a few credits or want to take their entire educational experience online, virtual high school can set them up for success in a world of remote learning while imparting an array of other powerful benefits.