Furnace Repair in Santa Maria CA: Common Causes of Furnace Problems

If your furnace is no longer providing warm air, there may be several causes – though most should be easy to identify.

Start by checking your circuit breaker, and if it has tripped, reset it. If it continues to trip, contact a service technician as soon as possible.

Water Leaks

Furnace leaks are one of the most frequent household issues requiring repair, and they can do extensive damage if left unrepaired. By conducting some simple tests you may be able to locate its source and stop further destruction.

First, shut off the furnace using either its switch on the unit itself or via its thermostat.

With it off, safely check for signs of water. If any is detected, make sure it isn’t seeping into an air duct or into another room below, which could lead to mold and bacteria growth and pose health hazards.

If the source of water comes from a drain line, an effective way to unclog it may be flushing it with vinegar. However, if this fails, and/or damage has occurred to it then professional HVAC assistance should be sought to fix it.

Water leaking from your heat exchanger is a very serious complication that must be dealt with immediately. Leakage may result in corrosion that damages the unit sooner than anticipated and causes costly water damage as well as bio growth that poses health threats to you and your family. You can visit this site to learn more about health risks associated with water damage.

As soon as you discover a leaking heat exchanger, seek advice from an HVAC specialist, since soon it likely needs replacing.

Dirty Filter

Filters serve to remove large particulate matter from air being heated (or cooled in summer). A dirty or clogged filter can create serious problems in heating or cooling the home.

One of the major drawbacks to a dirty filter is increased energy bills as your system works harder to maintain the appropriate temperature in your home. Furthermore, left unchecked, an unclean filter may damage the fan motor and other internal components and become hazardous to its operation.

Make it a point to regularly change or clean your filter, which is easily accomplished. Simply turn off your system, locate and open the furnace, remove and replace the old filter with the new one; for reusable filters simply rinse in either your sink or garden hose, then let it dry before putting it back into place.

Filters in furnaces should be changed every three to six months depending on your home and system efficiency, making this an inexpensive yet simple way to extend their lifespan, keep you comfortable, and provide longer term protection from allergens and pollutants.

Make sure to review your HVAC manual for tips and tricks on making this part of your regular maintenance regiment.

Thermostat Issues

When your thermostat malfunctions, it may display incorrect readings or refuse to switch on at all.

While replacing batteries or turning it off and on again may help fix this, if it persists it could indicate another problem with the furnace itself; air conditioning service experts advise locating and making sure that its switch (similar to light switches) is in the ON position before inspecting ductwork for obstructions before having them professionally cleaned if necessary.

Temperature problems could also stem from an issue with an old furnace’s igniter, signaling its impending end-of-life status and necessitating replacement with something more energy efficient and reliable.

When this is the case, upgrading may be beneficial; look for energy-efficient models as potential options to upgrade to.

Many problems associated with air conditioning systems are relatively minor and can often be solved with simple DIY repairs. For optimal performance, however, service inspection by reputable local professionals like the ones at Top Notch Heating is recommended prior to any DIY repair attempts. This can save money in the long run.

A qualified technician can quickly identify any problems in your system and provide solutions. In the meantime, be sure to turn off gas supply, open windows for ventilation purposes, and exit home until an authorized technician arrives – additionally keep a spare filter handy so it can be changed when needed.

Circuit Board Issues

Many homeowners are surprised to discover that furnace circuit boards can fail unexpectedly. Although these boards were meant to last the life of your furnace, they can sometimes burn out or become irreparably damaged due to various causes. One possible cause may be a power surge that has damaged the circuit board of the furnace.

This scenario is especially likely if other devices share its circuit; over time, an increase in electricity can overwhelm transistors on the board and cause them to burn out, necessitating replacement of all. This kind of damage typically requires replacement of both circuit boards at once.

One possible explanation is that your circuit board has a blown fuse. You’ll usually know this by seeing black puffs of smoke emit from its center; replacement fuses can usually be purchased easily at local auto parts stores.