What Is Din I Ilahi?

Are you curious to know what is din i ilahi? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about din i ilahi in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is din i ilahi?

In the annals of Indian history, the Din-I-Ilahi stands as a unique chapter, embodying the attempt to synthesize diverse religious beliefs. This article seeks to unravel the intricacies of Din-I-Ilahi, examining its origins, meaning, followers, and the reasons behind its eventual decline.

What Is Din I Ilahi?

Din-I-Ilahi, also known as the “Religion of God,” was a syncretic faith initiated by Emperor Akbar during the Mughal era. Emerging in the late 16th century, it aimed to unify diverse religious practices prevalent in the Indian subcontinent.

What Is The Meaning Of Din-I-Ilahi?

The term “Din-I-Ilahi” translates to the “Religion of God” in Persian. It reflects Akbar’s vision of creating a universal faith that transcended the boundaries of existing religions, fostering unity and understanding among his subjects.

What Is Din-I-Ilahi Class 7?

For students studying history, Din-I-Ilahi is often introduced in Class 7 as part of the curriculum. Understanding its historical context, principles, and impact forms an integral part of the study of medieval Indian history.

What Was Din-I-Ilahi? Explain Briefly:

Din-I-Ilahi was an attempt by Emperor Akbar to create a harmonious blend of various religious beliefs prevalent in his diverse empire. It incorporated elements from Hinduism, Islam, Zoroastrianism, and Christianity, with an emphasis on moral and ethical principles.

Din E Ilahi Was Founded By:

Din-I-Ilahi was founded by Emperor Akbar, the third ruler of the Mughal Empire. Akbar, known for his inclusive policies, sought to bridge religious divides through the creation of a new, inclusive faith.

What Was The Outcome Of The Din-I-Ilahi?

Despite its noble intentions, Din-I-Ilahi did not gain widespread acceptance or leave a lasting impact. The syncretic faith faced resistance from orthodox religious leaders, and subsequent rulers did not actively promote or uphold its tenets.

Din-I-Ilahi Religion:

Din-I-Ilahi aimed to create a religion that embraced the best aspects of various existing faiths. It incorporated principles such as monotheism, virtue, and ethical conduct, attempting to unite people under a common spiritual umbrella.

Why Did Din-I Ilahi Fail?

Several factors contributed to the failure of Din-I-Ilahi. The syncretic nature of the faith faced opposition from religious orthodoxy, and the lack of a strong institutional structure hindered its widespread adoption. Additionally, subsequent rulers did not actively champion its cause.

Din-I Ilahi Followers:

The followers of Din-I-Ilahi were primarily members of Akbar’s court, including some nobles and intellectuals. However, its influence was limited, and the faith did not find a significant following beyond the Mughal court.

Din E Ilahi Followers Today:

In contemporary times, the followers of Din-I-Ilahi are virtually nonexistent. The faith did not survive the test of time and gradually faded into historical obscurity. Its principles and attempts at religious synthesis, however, remain part of India’s rich cultural and historical tapestry.


In summary, Din-I-Ilahi was a noble experiment initiated by Emperor Akbar to create a universal religion that transcended religious boundaries. While it did not leave a lasting imprint, its historical significance lies in the attempt to foster religious harmony and understanding in a diverse and pluralistic society.


What Is Meant By Din-I-Ilahi?

Din-i Ilahi, “the religion of God,” was a system of religious beliefs introduced by the Mughal emperor Akbar in 1582 CE. His idea was to combine Islam and Hinduism into one faith, but also to add aspects of Christianity, Zoroastrianism and Jainism. Akbar took a deep personal interest in religious matters.

Who First Accepted Din-I-Ilahi?

The correct answer is Birbal. The theory of Din-i-Ilahi was introduced by Mughal Emperor Akbar. It is based on Monotheism, which means belief in one God. The first initiated disciples of Din-i-Ilahi during emperor Akbar included Birbal, Prince Salim, and Abul-Fazl ibn Mubarak.

What Are The Principles Of Din-I-Ilahi Upsc?

It favoured peace and tolerance. It prohibited human vices such as slander, pride, sensuality and lust. The celibacy was respected while slaughter of animals was forbidden in the new religion. Din-i-Illahi was accepted by Abul Fazal, Birbal and Faizi.

Which Ruler Promoted Din-I-Ilahi?

Akbar the Great (1556-1605), promoted Din-i-Ilahi. Din-i-llahi –Religion of God. He was the third Mughal emperor in The Mughal dynasty. Din-i-Iiahi was the religion promoted and founded by Akbar.

I Have Covered All The Following Queries And Topics In The Above Article

What Is Din-I-Ilahi Class 7

What Is The Meaning Of Din-I-Ilahi

What Is Din-I-Ilahi

What Is The Meaning Of Din I Ilahi

What Was Din-I-Ilahi Explain Briefly

What Is Din-I-Ilahi Class 7

Din E Ilahi Was Founded By

What Was The Outcome Of The Din-I-Ilahi?

Din-I-Ilahi Religion

Why Did Din-I Ilahi Fail

Din-I Ilahi Followers

Din E Ilahi Followers Today

What Is Din I Ilahi