What Is Stridhan?

Are you curious to know what is stridhan? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about stridhan in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is stridhan?

In the realm of family and property law, the term “Stridhan” holds significant importance, particularly in the context of South Asian cultures. This term, deeply rooted in tradition and societal norms, is a symbol of women’s financial empowerment and ownership. Join us as we delve into the concept of Stridhan, explore its cultural significance, and discuss its role in championing women’s financial rights.

What Is Stridhan?

Stridhan, a Sanskrit term, is a composite of “stri” (woman) and “dhan” (property or wealth). It refers to the property, wealth, or assets that a woman accumulates or is given during her lifetime. This can include gifts, inheritances, and even items acquired during various life events such as marriage, childbirth, and festivals.

The Cultural Significance:

  1. Empowerment: Stridhan serves as a form of financial empowerment for women, allowing them to accumulate assets independently of their husband or family.
  2. Protection: Stridhan acts as a safeguard against unforeseen circumstances, ensuring that women have access to resources in times of need.
  3. Recognition of Contribution: Stridhan recognizes the contributions women make to their families and households, whether through their labor, care, or emotional support.

Types Of Stridhan:

  1. Streedhan: This is the property or wealth that a woman brings to her marital home during the wedding. It includes gifts from family, friends, and even jewelry or cash given by the groom’s family.
  2. Varadakshina: Gifts given to the bridegroom during the wedding are also considered Stridhan, as they are given voluntarily and without any obligation.
  3. Yautaka: Property and wealth acquired by a woman during her lifetime, including inheritances, earnings, and gifts, are also considered Stridhan.

Legal Aspects:

Stridhan is recognized in various personal laws and statutes in South Asian countries. These laws aim to protect a woman’s right to her Stridhan and ensure that it is not misappropriated by family members.

Empowering Women’s Financial Rights:

  1. Ownership and Autonomy: Stridhan grants women the right to own and manage their wealth, fostering financial independence.
  2. Emergency Fund: Stridhan can serve as a safety net, providing women with resources in emergencies, crises, or unexpected life events.
  3. Negotiating Power: Women who possess Stridhan have increased bargaining power within family and marital relationships.

Challenges And Progress:

Despite the legal recognition of Stridhan, there have been instances of disputes and challenges surrounding its ownership. Cultural norms and misinterpretations of the concept can sometimes lead to misunderstandings.

In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of women’s rights, leading to positive changes in society’s perception of Stridhan. Legal advancements have been made to ensure that women have greater protection and access to their Stridhan.


Stridhan represents more than just property; it symbolizes a woman’s financial agency, autonomy, and contribution. In a world where gender equality is a pressing goal, recognizing and respecting the concept of Stridhan is a step toward promoting women’s rights and financial empowerment. By acknowledging the significance of Stridhan, we honor the strength and resilience of women and their invaluable role in society.


What Do You Mean By Stridhan?

As per Hindu Law, Streedhan is whatever a women receives during her life time. Streedhan includes all movable, immovable property gifts etc received by women prior to marriage, at the time of marriage, during child birth and during her widowhood .

What Is The Act Of Stridhan?

The Hindu Succession Act of 1956 declared the joint property received by partition to be an absolute property, or Stridhan. As the owner of absolute property, a woman has complete control over its alienation, which means she may give, sell, lease, trade, mortgage, or do whatever she wants with it.

How Much Stridhan Is Allowed?

According to the CBDT’s most recent circular, men, regardless of marital status, are only allowed to possess 100 g of real gold in the form of jewelry and ornaments. Married women are allowed to possess 500 g, unmarried women 250 g. This gold should be in the form of jewellary/ornaments and not in any other form.

What Is Divorce Stridhan?

Stridhan is any and all gifts that a woman voluntarily receives from her friends and relatives during the course of her lifetime. It denotes the ultimate right of a woman over her property.

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What Is Stridhan

What do you mean by stridhan