What Is Transaction Password?

Are you curious to know what is transaction password? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about transaction password in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is transaction password?

In the digital age, banking has become more accessible and convenient than ever before. With just a few clicks or taps, you can check your account balance, pay bills, transfer funds, and more. However, as banking transitions into the virtual realm, ensuring security becomes paramount. One of the key elements in safeguarding your financial transactions is the transaction password. In this blog, we will explore what a transaction password is, why it is crucial, and how it plays a pivotal role in securing your digital banking experience.

What Is Transaction Password?

A transaction password is a confidential code or authentication method used by banks and financial institutions to verify the identity of the account holder when conducting specific financial transactions online. It acts as an additional layer of security beyond the regular login credentials, such as the username and password.

The Importance Of Transaction Password

  1. Enhanced Security: The primary purpose of a transaction password is to enhance the security of online financial transactions. It adds an extra layer of protection by requiring an additional authentication step beyond logging into your account.
  2. Protection Against Unauthorized Transactions: Transaction passwords are particularly effective in preventing unauthorized or fraudulent transactions. Even if someone gains access to your account credentials, they would still need the transaction password to complete transactions.
  3. Mitigating Risk: With the rising instances of cybercrimes and identity theft, banks and financial institutions are continuously improving security measures. Transaction passwords are a crucial part of their efforts to mitigate risks and protect customer accounts.
  4. Compliance: Many regulatory authorities, including central banks, mandate the use of transaction passwords or two-factor authentication (2FA) to ensure compliance with security standards and protect customers.

Types Of Transactions Requiring A Transaction Password

Transaction passwords are typically required for specific high-risk or sensitive financial transactions. These transactions may include:

  1. Fund Transfers: Any transfer of funds to another account, whether it’s within the same bank or to a different bank, often requires a transaction password.
  2. Online Bill Payments: When you make payments for bills, utilities, or services online, you may need to enter your transaction password to authorize the payment.
  3. Change in Account Information: Modifying critical account information, such as contact details or email addresses, may also require a transaction password.
  4. Online Shopping: Some banks offer additional security for online shopping by requiring a transaction password for card-based transactions.

Creating And Managing A Transaction Password

Most banks and financial institutions provide a straightforward process for creating and managing your transaction password. Here are some common steps:

  1. Registration: During your initial account setup or activation of online banking services, you will be prompted to create a transaction password.
  2. Reset: If you forget your transaction password or suspect it has been compromised, you can usually reset it by following the bank’s verification procedures, which often include one-time passwords (OTPs) sent to your registered mobile number.
  3. Regular Updates: Some banks may require you to update your transaction password periodically to enhance security.


In the era of digital banking, the transaction password stands as a formidable guardian of your financial well-being. Its role in ensuring secure transactions, preventing unauthorized access, and complying with regulatory standards cannot be overstated. By understanding the importance of your transaction password and adhering to best practices for its creation and management, you can enjoy the convenience of online banking with the confidence that your financial transactions are conducted safely and securely.


Is Transaction Password Different From Login Password?

The login password and transaction password are never same for any bank. They are different to give your account more security and protection. So, whether it is UBI (United Bank Of India) or any other bank, login password and transaction password are always different.

What Is Transaction Password Pin?

Transaction PIN means the auto generated password, phrase, number or any other identification of any kind initially given to you by us which you will require to effect any transaction and which you will be required to change on receipt and as prompted by our systems from time to time.

How Many Digits Is A Transaction Password?

The password length should be 8-12 characters and contains upper, lower, alphanumeric and special characters.

What Is 6 Digit Transaction Password?

mPIN stands for Mobile Banking Personal Identification Number. Like an ATM PIN, an mPIN is a 6 digit passcode that you must enter every time you wish to make a transaction.

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What is a transaction password?