Why You Need Pool Supplies to Prepare for Next Summer

For many of us, the time of splashing around, making cannonballs, and playing Marco Polo is over for this year.  However, that doesn’t mean that we should be slacking on taking care of our pools.  Arguably, it’s even more important to take care of them to ensure that they’ll be ready once spring and summer roll around again.

Whether you’re going to keep water in the pool around the clock because you live in a warmer area, or if you drain yours for the autumn and winter months, it’s a good idea to educate yourself about caring for it the entire year.  You can check out resources like this one to get an idea of what we mean if you aren’t entirely certain.

Otherwise, make sure to stick around.  We’ll be covering everything you need to know to prepare for next summer, and what pool supplies you might need.

Why is Pool Care Important?

For the most part, the biggest reason that we need to stay on top of these sorts of things is to ensure the safety of our swimmers.  With most of us, that means our families.  Obviously, we don’t want anyone to get sick from enjoying an afternoon in the water!

That’s one of the main reasons why it’s a good idea to always ensure you have enough supplies of your pool chemicals.  These usually include some sort of pH kit to check the acidity levels of the water, as well as any other chemical agents that can assist in bringing that pH back to normal.  Ideally, we can keep it as close to “7” pH as possible, since that’s neutral.

What Other Supplies Might WeNeed?

There are three key things to consider when you think about pool care.  These are chemicals, circulation, and cleanliness.  Naturally, each of these factors might require a different type of supply or equipment to accomplish.  This will depend on the size of your pool as well as how much you use it.  

Covers, reels, and liners are all pool supplies that we may not think about often, but this doesn’t mean they’re not important.  Liners can help keep them clean even during the busy months, but also help to prevent any critters from taking up residence in the water.  That’s also something that covers and reels can accomplish, though there are a few different types of them.

As far as cleaning goes, bug nets are pretty standard accessories for most pool owners and caretakers.  They’re specially designed to catch any insects or debris that may be floating in the water.  No one wants to swim with a bunch of dead flies or wasps, right?  The latter can even be dangerous.

They’re easy to use, too, since you can just skim them along the top of the water in whatever pattern or method you find most efficient.  Although it may not be the most glamorous activity, it’s another one that’s pretty important for the safety and comfort of our guests.  

Additionally, there may be a need to get pool parts.  This site details what sorts of things you may end up needing.  That could be pumps or jets, for example.  The important thing is that if something does happen to break, then we need to be able to reliably have replacement parts.

Don’t Forget to Have Fun

Obviously, pool ownership is a lot of work.  We have to be diligent in taking care of them so that no one who goes for a swim gets sick or hurts themselves somehow.  However, when we’re talking about pool supplies, that can include fun things as well!  

Floaties are a fan favorite for good reason.  It’s great to sit out in the sun, read a book, and float along the water peacefully.  They can also be a great place to watch the kids from, especially if you’ve got little ones who still want to swim and enjoy the water.

In fact, there are all sorts of toys that we can get and enjoy with guests of all ages – it’ll really just depend on what you and your family like to do!  Don’t forget to get some to prepare for summer, even though it may not be the most “important” thing on this list.

Generally speaking, it’s just a good idea to keep on top of our pool maintenance year ‘round, rather than leaving it for the last minute.  Chances are, once the weather gets warm again, everyone in the home will be itching to go out and enjoy the water.  We don’t want to have to delay that thanks to a poorly maintained pool, right?

As long as we don’t neglect them, then this shouldn’t be a problem.  Read up on some guides on how to maintain them, too, if you’re looking for some tips and tricks.